In the last two weeks, we've accomplished - or started - the following:
- Continued to get print pricing
- Finalized the official logo
- Registered our phone number (419.825.NEWS (6397))
- Signed up for Twitter (we were already on Facebook)
- Purchased a badge laminator and 100 pouches
- Launched our site, fully integrated with Twitter and Facebook
- Met with Dan Rogers of the Cherry Street Mission and secured permission for vendor recruitment, orientation and possible distribution at their various facilities
- Met with ABLE and LAWO to look into the city's laws and how they might effect the operation of TS
- Reached over 130 fans on our Facebook page
- Started developing our advertising rates and guidelines with the help of Breanna Filas of Metro Media Group
- Had a teleconference with Andy Freeze, director of NASNA
- Created a fairly comprehensive to-do list - a feat in and of itself!
Of course, there are some wonderful people helping me out with all of this, and I am truly grateful for their help.
More help is always appreciated as well! The to-do list will be posted shortly... (hint, hint).
In other news, since the site (and its blog) is up, I will be double-posting these updates from now on.
As this list proves...