Heats: A series of qualifying races which decide who will race in the final of an event.
Laying the groundwork for Toledo Streets is starting to move along and, like any project, is already encountering some barriers. Namely, will the laws (and those who enforce them) of Toledo prohibit our city's marginalized to make an honest buck. If so, Toledo would be the first city in Ohio (Cleveland, Columbus, and Cincinnati each have their own street papers) and, as I understand it, in our nation to block the freedom of speech of its most impoverished citizens. That would be a shame.
However, the start-up process is as yet in its early stages and there's no reason to assume that leadership in Toledo would be, well, without reason when the time comes to put things into motion. As I stated in a recent email to someone who may be able to help me study the feasability of Toledo Streets, it's one thing if Toledo won't support (i.e., prohibitive laws) a street paper; it's another entirely if it can't (i.e., lack of foot traffic).
In other news - and positive news to boot - I have purchased my plane ticket to Denver (and back, unfortunately) for the NASNA conference, July 30 - August 2. Seeing as I have absolutely no funding for Toledo Streets (another hurdle), NASNA is generously footing the bill for the conference on my behalf. Andy Freeze, NASNA's Executive Director, has already been a great help, and he has informed me of the creation of a special workshop for street paper start-ups (and very new existing papers). There's a couple in Charlotte, NC, working on a paper to launch about the same time I'd like to launch Toledo Streets: October. I should be getting more info on the conference soon. Needless to say, I'm pretty excited.
Tomorrow I have a lunch meeting with Tom Crothers, the Executive Director of Downtown Toledo Improvement District. I'm hoping Tom will be able to give me some insight on the day-to-day downtown environment, maybe even help me find answers to the feasibility study questions. Keep your fingers crossed, folks. The heat is on...
Tonight, I plan on making a Leadership Class led by Dan Rogers, the CEO of Cherry Street Mission Ministries. I'll never tell him this, but Dan is brilliant. I've met few people with such a unique perspective, and I always enjoy the chance to learn from him.
Until I have more news...